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STD facts on symptoms, prevention, treatment, testing, pictures and all other topics. This website is provided to help minimize the risks of STDs and to provide support to anyone needing help.

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Some facts about STDs:
What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Transmission of STDs

Protection from STDs

If you think you have an STD
Facts about some common STDs:
Genital Warts
Nonspecific urethritis (NSU)
More STD information
Other Related Sexual Health Topics:
Safe Sex
Birth Control
Sex and Pregnancy















What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

The term 'sexually transmitted disease' (STD) is relatively new and has replaced the term 'venereal disease' as there is more awareness of a greater number of infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. There are more than 20 STDs including:

  • AIDS
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Herpes
  • Syphilis
  • other organisms and syndromes
Every year millions of STDs are passed from person to person mainly through sexual contact. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are often impossible to detect initially. A checkup is essential if:
  • your partner is infected
  • you are promiscuous
  • you have a sexual relationship with someone who is promiscuous

Symptoms are likely to take the form of:

  • discharge from the vagina, penis or anus
  • itching or soreness around the genitals or anus
  • a lump or rash on the genitals, anus or mouth.

If you suspect you may have a sexually transmitted disease, you should see your doctor or clinic straight away. You can find the telephone number of your nearest clinic by looking up 'special clinic', 'venereal disease' or 'VD' in the telephone directory, or by phoning your local hospital. You will be tested as quickly as possible, and if the test is positive, you will be advised to contact your recent sexual partners, as they too may need treatment. Avoid sex until you are clear of the disease.

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Transmission of STDs

The organisms which cause these diseases (except for crabs and scabies) usually enter the body through mucous membranes, such as the warm, moist surfaces of the:

  • vagina
  • urethra
  • anus
  • mouth

STDs can be caught through intimate contact with someone who is infected, especially during:

  • oral sex
  • anal sex
  • vaginal sex

Some infections are also transmitted non sexually.

Click here for more information about the transmission of STDs

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Protection from STDs

You can protect yourself from acquiring an STD in a number of ways:

  • Talk to your partner about STDs before having sex
  • Ask if he or she has been exposed to any STDs

Look carefully at your partner's body and should you notice any unusual:

  • discharge
  • sores
  • bumps
  • redness

and you think your partner may have an infection refrain from intercourse until the condition is taken care of.

Safety Procedures

  • Use a dental dam or cut condom during vaginal oral sex (cunnilingus)
  • Use a latex condom during penile oral sex (fellatio)
  • Use a spermicidally lubricated latex condom during intercourse
  • Consider using vaginal spermicide as well


  • Many STDs are largely asymptomatic so caution is important when choosing a partner
  • Condoms are not foolproof but are the best choice for protection from infection during intercourse

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If You Think You Have An STD

If You Think You Have An STD:

  • Do not be be embarrassed
  • Get help immediately
  • Call the Health Center and make an immediate appointment
  • Do not have sex until you have been tested or are sure you are cured (usually indicated by two negative follow-up tests)
  • Inform all your recent partners personally
  • Before accepting treatment, make sure you understand what you are taking and for how long, the side effects and any follow-up tests or treatment required

Click here to search for a support group or clinic in your area

In most cases antibiotics can cure bacterial STDs. They are not, however, effective in fighting viral infections such as herpes. No matter what treatment is followed, curing an STD does not provide immunity against future infection.

If you are sexually active in anything but a totally monogamous relationship, you have a good chance of getting an STD. You can also get some of these diseases (such as genital warts or syphilis) without sexual contact at all.

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Some Sexually Transmitted Diseases


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which is a disease is caused by the human immune deficiency virus, known as HIV. Once it is inside the body, this virus invades the white blood cells, which normally fight off disease, then it multiplies and destroys them. It also breeds inside the brain. Between 1 in 10 and 1 in 3 of those infected with HIV are likely to develop AIDS. Three to four years normally elapse between infection with HIV and any subsequent development of the symptoms associated with AIDS. As yet there is no cure for AIDS which usually progresses through various infections and stages of increasing debility to the eventual death of the sufferer.

As AIDS develops the body's natural defenses become depleted, and the AIDS patient is increasingly likely to contract diseases that a healthy body would normally ward off.

The virus is present in body fluids:

  • semen
  • blood
  • saliva

Sometimes AIDS patients are attacked by several infections at once such as:

  • candida
  • herpes
  • pneumonia
  • rare forms of cancer
  • TB
  • the brain may succumb to increasingly severe dementia

How Do You Catch AIDS?
  1. The most common way of contracting the disease is through anal intercourse with an infected partner
  2. The second most common way of contracting the disease is through infected blood:
  • hemophiliacs injected with the clotting agent collected from infected blood
  • drug addicts using infected needles

To become HIV positive you do not have to be homosexual or promiscuous, a drug addict or a hemophiliac. Heterosexuals are also at risk. Even a in a steady relationship heterosexuals stand the risk of contracting the disease if their partner has been infected in a previous relationship.

How to avoid AIDS

  • Always use a condom
  • Avoid anal sex
  • Do not share needles, toothbrushes, razors, or any instrument that might transfer blood from cuts or abrasions

Click here for more information about HIV & AIDS


The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) most often shows up as small blisters or sores on either the face, mouth (cold sores or fever blisters) or genitals.

There are two types of the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

  • Type 1 (HSV-1) and
  • Type 2 (HSV-2)  

HSV-1 or mouth herpes are commonly in the form of cold sores on and around the mouth. HSV-2 or genital herpes is a much more intense strand, commonly found on the genitals. However, BOTH types can be found on the mouth or genital areas.

Living with Genital Herpes - A practical approach:

Guidance and Direction for people living with genital herpes

A diagnosis of genital herpes often comes as a shock. Many people do not feel comfortable talking about sexuality and sexual health issues.

There are many avenues for help, reassurance and guidance. Below are resources that can offer help and support for people living with and affected by herpes:


Adequate information about genital herpes and the implications for the future are an important part of clinical management and treatment. Counselling offers a way of dealing with your concerns.

If you or your partner are finding it hard to come to terms with the news, need advice, guidance for the future, or just need to talk with someone a medical expert or counsellor can help give you some direction.

Encourage yourself or your partner to speak with a medical expert or counsellor. 

Support Groups

The experience and support of other people with herpes can be extremely valuable.

Support groups for people with herpes exist in some countries and have the objective of providing support and education to people with herpes.

For anyone who feels isolated by genital herpes, self-help groups can provide a much-needed arena for open discussion and the exchange of information and ideas.

Living with Genital Herpes - A practical approach

Getting the facts

The more emotionally charged an issue, the more important it is to find out the facts. Most people know little or nothing about herpes. Frequently, what knowledge they have is colored by myth and misconception.

Having the correct information makes it easier for everyone concerned.  Genital herpes is extremely common. In some countries, up to one in five people are infected with this virus, whether they know it or not.

Some basic facts that you should know:


HSV can be passed on when one person has the virus present on the skin or mucosa and another person makes direct skin-to-skin contact with the live virus.

The virus is likely to be present on the skin from the first sign of prodrome (tingling or itching where the outbreak usually occurs), until the sores have completely healed and new skin is present.

There are likely to be certain periods of time (possibly only a few days out of the year) when the active virus might be on the skin, even though there are no obvious signs or symptoms.

Always using latex condoms may possibly reduce the risk of transmitting the virus at these times.

Herpes is very frequently transmitted by infected persons who do not know they are infected. 

Once diagnosed, a person generally is able to take the simple precautions necessary to protect partners - avoiding contact during prodrome or an outbreak and practising safer sex when no symptoms are present.


A positive attitude helps greatly, starting with a positive feeling towards oneself

It is important for individuals to have time and space so that they can learn about their strengths and develop them

For anyone who finds stress a particular problem or has trouble relaxing, there are specific techniques, such as meditation and courses on stress management, that can help.


A person who experiences recurrent genital herpes should try to get to know the pattern of their outbreaks, and may discover the particular circumstances that trigger an episode and learn to avoid them

For most people who have active blisters or sores the outbreaks can be eliminated, with fairly rapid healing time and often little to no recurrences using Dynamiclear

Herpes Treatment Sale: Global Herbal Supplies are gearing up for the re-branding of their herpes and cold sore solution, Dynamiclear. In the wake of their product's soon to be released new brand image the company are having a massive clearance sale.

The price has been reduced from $93.00 per bottle to $49.95. This is a huge difference and a saving of over 45%! Just a heads up, since we are sure this sale won't be lasting long.

To gain relief from frequent recurrences, antiviral treatment can help. It can prevent some recurrences and provide valuable 'breathing time' in which people can learn to strengthen their own resources.

How do I tell someone, especially my partner, I have genital herpes?

When it comes down to the basics of telling, there is no foolproof method. What you say and how you say it are going to depend on your own personal style.  It is only natural to feel apprehensive about telling someone else about genital herpes for the first time.

A good long-term relationship must be based always on honesty and trust. While some people may experience an unsupportive response, most have found their partners are both supportive and understanding.

If your partner does decide not to pursue a relationship with you simply because you have herpes, it is in your best interest to find out now. It takes a lot more than the occasional aggravation of herpes to destroy a sound relationship.

Carefully choose the time and place for telling someone. Although it may not be necessary to tell someone right at the beginning of a relationship, do not wait until after a serious relationship is established as this is not fair to the other person. 

The discussion could take place where you feel safe and comfortable. Some people turn off the TV, take the phone off the hook, and approach the subject over a quiet dinner at home. Others prefer a more public place, like walking in the park, or a quiet restaurant, so that their partner will feel free to go home afterwards to think things through.

Be prepared. Plan what is going to be said and have your facts about genital herpes clear. It can be a good idea to have relevant printed information on hand for someone to read.

Be spontaneous. Be confident. You are doing the right thing for both of you. By telling your partner you allow them to enter into the relationship with full knowledge of your infection 

When you have an outbreak, you can discuss it with a partner instead of making excuses for why you can't have sex. If the two of you are able to discuss the situation, openly and honestly, you can negotiate around it. Imaginative lovers find ways to weather these temporary setbacks.

Consider how you would feel if the roles were reversed and you were being told. You can also role play the situation with a friend who already knows your situation, but do not let them always play the understanding partner. Convincing another person can help convince you.

More information on genital herpes can be obtained by contacting your doctor or a sexual health clinic.

Personal rejection, with or without herpes, is a possibility we all face. Fear of rejection can lead some to question why they should risk talking about herpes and choose not to disclose the fact.  Instead they abstain during outbreaks, practice safe sex at other times, and hope for the best.

This way of thinking can have more disadvantages than advantages:

  • You spend a lot of time and energy worrying that your partner is going to get herpes.
  • The longer you put off telling, the more likely your partner will find out elsewhere.
  • It gets harder to do the longer you wait
  • For most people, the anxiety of not telling is worse than the telling itself.
  • Excuses create distance between partners and often lead to dangerous guesswork. Your partner might interpret your excuses in ways more damaging to the relationship than an honest discussion of genital herpes would be
  • Your attitude will influence how this news is received. Psychologists have observed that people tend to behave the way you expect them to behave, and expecting rejection increases the chances of an unhappy outcome. 

The importance of self-esteem, adaptation and acceptance.

Herpes does not change all the good and wonderful things that make you 'you'.  It has nothing to do with your intelligence, social habits, or bank account. You are a loving, sexual, whole individual. No one else on the planet has the things that you have to offer.

Unconsciously, many of us have a lot of negative beliefs related to herpes that make it difficult to convince ourselves that others would want to be with us. It is important to recognize these beliefs and consciously change them. Accepting the fact that you have herpes will make it easier to let others into your life.

Sit down with a pen and paper and say to yourself, "I have herpes." What thought pops into your head? No matter what it is, write it down. Do this again and again until you have identified a number of the stereotypical/negative feelings that you have about herpes.

Look at your list. How many of the negative feelings or beliefs are truly valid?  Take your list and replace each of your negative beliefs with a positive one.

You have the power to change what you believe about yourself. Whenever you find your inner voice telling you that you can't do or have anything that you desire, simply interrupt it and firmly repeat to yourself your positive replacement. The more often you repeat these positive statements, the more they reinforce themselves.

You can think and believe whatever you choose about yourself. It might take some repetition. Years of negative belief patterns do not disappear overnight. But eventually, by deliberately replacing your old negative beliefs with positive new ones, you can begin to change how you think and feel about yourself - consciously and unconsciously.

Well done!  You have confronted a difficult issue in your life with courage and consideration.

What if your partner has genital herpes? 

If your partner has genital herpes, your support may be very important in helping him or her deal with this condition, which can also directly affect you. When your partner goes back to the doctor, you may wish to go too, so that you can find out more about the infection. 

Where can I get more information and advice?

After you have read this information and discussed genital herpes with your partner, you might have specific questions or concerns. Your doctor or your partner's doctor should be able to answer such questions or recommend other experts who can provide advice and support. Continue to go back to your doctor until all your queries about genital herpes are answered.

In some areas, there are local genital herpes support groups that can be a valuable source of information and support. Ask your doctor if there is such a group in your area or look through our Support Groups page.

If you want further information regarding herpes treatment, you can:

  • See your local doctor
  • Visit a sexual health clinic in your area

Click here for more information about Herpes

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Genital Warts

Genital warts are unpleasant but painless and can be treated quite easily. An association has been identified between genital warts and cervical cancer, so it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible, and to have regular cervical smears.

  • small lumps that appear on the penis, vulva, or anus which are mildly contagious


Some treatments involve:

  • painting the warts with a preparation called podophyllin
  • freezing the warts off with liquid nitrogen

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Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium gonococcus, which cannot survive outside the body and is transmitted only by sexual intercourse, and never (as is sometimes imagined) on toilet seats or towels.


In men:

  • the urethra along which urine passes from the bladder is infected
  • pain on urinating
  • thick discharge from the penis within a week after infection

In homosexual men:

  • the rectum may be infected
  • irritation and discharge from the anus

In women:

  • the cervix, urethra and rectum may be infected as with men
  • discharge
  • pain on urinating
  • if infection spreads to the uterus there is a 10% chance that the fallopian tubes may be blocked causing sterility

Often there are no symptoms in either men or women.


The treatment for gonorrhea is usually a single dose of antibiotics such as penicillin, with a checkup afterwards to make sure the infection has cleared.

If gonorrhea is not diagnosed and treated serious complications can develop.:

  • Men may suffer epididymitis (pain and swelling in the testicles)
  • women may suffer peritonitis (inflammation of the membranes of the abdomen).

Both sexes:

  • may develop gonococcal septicemia (an infection of the bloodstream with skin rashes and arthritis)
  • may be made sterile in serious cases

Pregnant women with gonorrhea may pass it on to their babies who can be born with gonococcal opthalmia (an acute inflammation of the eyes).

Click here for more information about Gonorrhea

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Although Syphilis is quite rare today there are still cases. It affects women less than men and its main victims are male homosexuals.


Symptoms appear between 10 days and 12 weeks after infection.

  • In the primary stage of the disease a small hard sore or chancre appears on the penis, vagina or rectum. It is painless and usually disappears very quickly.
  • In the secondary stage, a few weeks later, the patient is feverish, with swollen glands and itching skin.
  • Until the advent of antibiotic tertiary syphilis used to be quite common, with patients eventually suffering from dementia and dying a slow, agonizing death.


The disease is curable with antibiotics, but if for some reason it should not be treated, serious complications will develop many years later.

Click here for more information about Syphilis

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Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs and is caused by a bacterial parasite called chlamydia trachomatis.


In Men:

  • whitish yellow discharge from the penis
  • frequent burning urination
  • redness at the tip of the penis

In Women:

  • discharge
  • frequent need to urinate
  • mild discomfort often mistaken for vaginitis or menstrual cramps

Babies born to infected mothers may suffer from:

  • eye infections
  • pneumonia

Many women experience no symptoms until they develop complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, a serious condition which can result in infertility.


The disease is diagnosed by a swab test, and treatment is with antibiotics.

Click here for more information about Chlamydia

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Candida / Thrush and Yeast infections

Candida/Thrush is a fungal infection that develops in certain conditions in the vagina. It is sometimes linked to taking the Pill, and if it recurs frequently, a different method of contraception may be advisable.


A man may carry thrush, though he usually manifests no symptoms.

In women Thrush causes:

  • vaginal soreness and itching
  • a thick white discharge


  • anti-fungal cream to be used by both partners
  • vaginal peccaries
  • natural yogurt in the vagina can be effective


  • hot baths
  • nylon underwear
  • tight jeans
  • wearing tights

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Trichomoniasis is one of the most common and least serious of all sexually transmitted diseases and may be passed on by bad hygiene practice in the use of towels as well as by sexual contact. It can exist in a symptom free form and some people act as passive carriers for the disease.


  • discharge
  • pain in urinating


  • Several drugs are available for treatment and their success rate is high
  • Always use a condom

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Nonspecific urethritis (NSU)


Nonspecific urethritis or NSU can be identified by:

  • lumps
  • soreness or itching around the genitals, anus or mouth
  • a discharge from the vagina or penis


The treatment is usually a two-week course of antibiotics after contact with an infected person. During treatment, patients are asked to give up alcohol as this can bring about a recurrence of the symptoms. Complications can occur similar to those for gonorrhea, but fortunately early diagnosis and treatment can prevent these. It is possible for a man to be periodically reinfected with NSU without changing his sex partner, and no explanation has so far been put forward for this. However, both partners will need treatment each time NSU manifests itself.

Click here for more detailed information about Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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This Sexual Health Facts & Information site is brought to you in the interest of Minimizing the Risks of Disease, providing Information about STD Transmission, Prevention and Safe Sex Practices, as well as Information about Pregnancy, Birth Control and Sexual Relationships.

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